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How to help your dog stay at home alone

After all most two years of having us around daily, it's normal for our dogs to get some anxiety when it comes to us being back in the office every day - however there are some things you can do to help your dog stay at home alone.

Help your dog stay at home alone

As restrictions eased last month, people are gradually transitioning from working from home to going back to the office.

However, for those of us with pets, this can create an issue. Over the last two years, our pets have gotten used to having us at home and animal behavioural experts have seen a rise in cases of separation anxiety in dogs.

Liane Seiler, from the Animal Behaviour Clinic Cork, told RSVP Madra that they are worried about how dogs will adapt as their owners return to the office.

"We have seen a stark increase in Separation related behaviour issues over the past one and half years and we are quite worried about the phase of people returning to a normal work schedule away from their home and their pets," she said.

However, Liane, who has over ten years of experience in the area, does have some advice that can help your dog with the transition.

"My advice would be to gradually prepare the pet before returning to their work place," she explained.

"It is very important that dogs spend some time alone, and preferably rest during those times.

"This can be done when owners leave the house for short times for instance to go shopping, to meet with friends or even to go for a short walk and then coming back. Times should be gradually increased."

Another big thing is exercise - it's very important that your dog gets the exercise it needs and therefore won't be bored and trying to find something to do to use up their energy.

"A dog for instance that has been walking in the morning before the owner is leaving is more likely to rest than trying to find something to occupy themselves with," said Liane.

"However, if owners find that their pet is exhibiting symptoms like persistent vocalisation (barking, howling, whining), destructive behaviour or soiling when their pet is on their own, should contact a professional to help their pet overcome the issues before going back to their work place."

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